About the Japan-India Friendship Assosiation

The Japan-India Friendship Association is a non-profit general incorporated association established for the purpose of deepening the mutual understanding and trust between the peoples of Japan and India, advancing the friendly relationship, and contributing to peace and economic development. In order to serve these objectives, the assosiacion will carry out the following activities.

Japan and India have become leading powers in Asia and had close interactions in economic, culture, and history. They have also built their friendly relationshis by deepening a bilateral understanding, and have put forth effort into promoting peace and stability in Asia.

Currently, Japan and India have deepend the cooperative relarionship in the field of economic, national security, and culture, and the bilateral friendship has been accelerated.

The Japan-India Friendship Association (abbr. J.I.F.A.) will build a friendly relationship and other various activities, based on three core pillars of "culutural exchanges," "achieving peace and stability," and "social cooperation.
